Woot, Woot! 100 Followers!

So I had to give it a few days to see if that 100th follower would really stay or not.  Sorry, I'm just that kind of Nervous Nelly.  Anyway, yes, I have hit 100 followers and to all of you I'd like to say:


Thanks for stopping by, keeping up and reading my drivel.  Thanks for your unwavering support!  Thanks to those of you who consistently comment and make me feel like I'm part of a true writing community.  Thanks for helping me grow as a writer!

So in celebration of reaching 100 followers I thought I'd have a teensey, weensey giveaway:  a $10 Amazon gift card. 

All you have to do is comment on this post with a blog topic or a question or a subject, in other words, something you'd like me to post about in the future.  I'll choose the winner randomly (i.e. either picking a name out of a hat or using random.org) and announce it Monday, December 19, 2011. 

You have till Sunday, December 18th to enter/leave your comment. 

Again, thanks 100 followers!  Success and good stuff to all of you!


  1. Congratulations, Lisa! Your numbers are only going to increase from here...so stop being nervous. Now I'm on the spot. I'll have to come up with a topic and comment again, since I do have till Sunday. :)

  2. Congrats, Lisa!! Please don't count me in for the raffle. Let someone else have it, but somethings I'd like to ask are:

    Where do you get your ideas? Do you have a list you draw from? How do you settle on one? How often do you start on an idea then give it up?

  3. Congrats! I'd love for you to post about how to plot a proper suspense novel. I'd love to hear how you do it!

  4. Congratulations to you, Lisa. Well-earned. So, here's the question: What do you think is your greatest strength as a writer? Enjoy the day!

  5. Congrats! I'd love to know how you work on heightening the tension as your stories progress.

  6. Congratulations!!

    Um, how about blogging on the subject of who your favorite writers in your genre are. I love suspense novels, but admittedly I haven't read many lately. Give me a refresher course on who's hot right now.

  7. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! 100 is a great mark and takes a lot of effort. :)

    Let's see, I'm going to say I'd like to hear about your favorite authors, or your first favorite author and what you think of their works now. Hmmm, maybe I"ll do that post too. :)

  8. Congrats. I remember how awesome that felt.
    Okay, posts....how about top 5 books you've read in 2011?

  9. Congratulations on 100 followers! That's so great! :) As for a blog post/question.... what's the most difficult part of the writing process for you?

  10. Congrats on the now 101!

    Question...hmmmm....Do you have any good story ideas that would be too difficult for you to write because the concept would not exactly fit your style?

  11. Yay! Congrats!!!!

    And I totally want more of your writing, but if your going for questions, maybe how you snagged your agent, or how you survived querying. Stuff like that. :)

  12. Congrats! That's awesome!

    I'm always up for some more query advice. :D

  13. Congrats on 100 followers! Not that I'm one bit surprised. Who wouldn't follow you?

    I would love to see something you've written from when you were younger. Like high school or elementary school. If you still kept any of it, that is!

  14. Congratulations on reaching 100 followers!

  15. Congrats on all the followers! I would love to read about writing a crime novel. It's something I've wanted to do but since it requires plotting (and I'm a panster for the most part) I haven't tried it yet.

  16. Congratulations, Lisa!! That's awesome, and I've no doubt you'll soon have hundreds more. :)

    Thanks for the opportunity for the giveaway, how fun! As I am working on a suspense novel myself, I would be interested to learn more about your novels and your successful search for an agent. It's great to see in your profile that you are already represented.

    Congratulations again, woo-hoo! :)

  17. I clicked on your blog from Jessie Humphries B-Word blog and found you! Congrats on 100 followers! And nice to *meet* you! And I totally wish I could write suspense. Any tips on that? :)

  18. Woot! Congratulations on hitting 100 followers! I'd like you to talk more about your process when writing a crime novel: research, plot, the lot! Do you have the bad guy decided from the start, or do you decide as you write who it will be?


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